Hadrians Wall

0122-12-01 00:00:00 Hadrian rules Rome (A.D. 117–138); codifies Roman law, rebuilds Pantheon, establishes postal system, builds wall between England and Scotland. Roman Emperor Hadrian begins the impressive 73 mile defensive wall in the north of[…]

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First use of wood for paper

0104-12-01 00:00:00 paper was manufactured about 104 AD by Cai Lun , an official attached to the Imperial court during the Han Dynasty (202 BC-AD 220). He took the inner bark of a mulberry tree[…]

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City of Vishnu

0100-12-01 00:00:00 The Pyu people settled inland along the middle reaches of the Irrawaddy River but at a distance from the river’s course. This is in sharp contrast to the later Burmese cities such as[…]

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Roman Colosseum

0079-12-01 00:00:00 Located just east of the Roman Forum, the massive stone amphitheater known as the Colosseum was commissioned around A.D. 70-72 by Emperor Vespasian of the Flavian dynasty as a gift to the Roman[…]

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Rome conquers Jerusalem

0070-12-01 00:00:00 After a six month siege the Romans under the direction of Titus destroy Jerusalem killing one and a half million Jews. The gold taken from the the Temple finances the Colosseum back in[…]

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